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Flora of China, Volume 10: Fabaceae
Flora of China, Volume 10: Fabaceae
Our Price: $112.00
ISBN: 9781930723917


Description Author(s)/Illustrator(s)

This volume entirely comprises the legume family (Fabaceae or Leguminosae), with 1,673 species in China, of which 690 are endemic, i.e., found nowhere else on Earth. The legumes of China are divided into 29 tribes, starting with the Cercideae, which include the disjunct redbuds (Cercis) and pantropical Bauhinia, and finishing with the Fabeae, which include vetches (Vicia), vetchlings (Lathyrus), lentil (Lens culinaris), and pea (Pisum sativum). The largest legume genus in China is Astragalus, with 401 species (it is also the largest genus globally, with ca. 3,000 species), followed by Oxytropis (133 species), Indigofera (79 species), in which I. tinctoria and I. suffruticosa are sources of the dye indigo, and Caragana (66 species).

Publication Information
  • Publisher: MBG Press and Science Press, Beijing
    Publication Date: 2010
    ISBN: 9781930723917
    Format: Hardcover
    Pages: 656
    Illustrated: No