The first major regional flora ever written in Spanish, Flora Mesoamericana is a collaborative effort of the Missouri Botanical Garden, the Instituto de Biologia of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the Natural History Museum, London, and numerous specialists worldwide. The Flora describes, for the first time, all the vascular plants growing in the five southernmost states of Mexico and all the Central American republics. Hundreds of botanists specializing in tropical taxonomy from around the world are collaborating on this extraordinarily important project.
Covered in this volume are Psilotaceae, Salviniaceaeare, Pteridaceae, Thelypteridaceae, Lomariopsidaceae, Polypodiaceae, and Grammitidaceae.
In Spanish.
- Editors: Gerrit Davidse, Mario Sousa S., and Sandra Knapp
Publication Information
- Publisher: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Missouri Botanical Garden Press, and the Natural History Museum (London)
Publication Date: 1995 ISBN: 9789683647009 Format: Hardcover Pages: 470 Illustrated: No
