The Moss Flora of China, English Version (MFC) is a series of eight volumes dealing with all mosses
known to be native or naturalized in China. It contains descriptions, identification keys, illustrations of Chinese
endemic and East Asian taxa, habitat information, distributional ranges outside China, specimen citations, and
distribution maps of all accepted taxa. The MFC is arranged phylogenetically and basically follows the same
sequence of the families treated in the Genera Muscorum Sinicorum (P.-C. Chen et al. 1978), which adopts a
modified classification system of Brotherus (1924, 1925). Nevertheless, the circumscription of some families will
reflect our present understanding of different groups. Genera and species are arranged alphabetically for ease of use.
This volume treats 87 genera and 304 specific and infraspecific taxa in
21 families. The following families are treated: Erpodiaceae (3 gen., 4 spp.), Glyphomitriaceae (1 gen., 9 spp.),
Orthotrichaceae (9 gen., 68 spp., 4 var.), Racopilaceae (12 gen., 3 spp.), Hedwigiaceae (2 gen., 3 spp., 2 var.),
Bryowijkiaceae (1 gen., 1 sp.), Cryphaeaceae (6 gen., 16 spp.), Leucodontaceae (5 gen., 20 spp., 1 var.),
Ptychomniaceae (1 gen., 1 sp.), Prionodontaceae (1 gen. 1 sp.), Trachypodaceae (5 gen., 14 spp., 3 var.), Myuriaceae
(2 gen., 6 spp.), Pterobryaceae (13 gen., 30 spp.), Meteoriaceae (18 gen., 49 spp., 2 var.), Phyllogoniaceae (1 gen., 3
spp.), Neckeraceae (6 gen., 40 spp., 1 var.), Thamnobryaceae (4 gen., 14 spp.), Leptodontaceae (1 gen., 2 spp.),
Lembophyllaceae (3 gen., 3 spp.), Fontinalaceae (2 gen., 3 spp.), and Climaciaceae (2 gen., 3 spp.).
Publication Information
- Publisher: MBG Press and Science Press, Beijing
Authors: Peng-cheng Wu, Marshall R. Crosby, and Si He Publication Date: 2011 ISBN: 9781935641056 Format: Hardcover Pages: 432 Illustrated: Yes
