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Moss Flora of China, English Version. Complete Set
Moss Flora of China, English Version.  Complete Set

Our Price: $438.00
ISBN: 9780915279722


Description Author(s)/Illustrator(s)

China has about 2,500 species of mosses, constituting the richest and most diverse moss flora in the North Temperate zone. Knowledge of the Chinese moss flora, like that of the vascular plant flora, is of importance to the understanding of the underlying dynamics of plant migrations, vegetational history, and the significance of local refugia in Asia. In some instances, the bryophytes (mosses and liverworts) are better species indicators for the past vegetational changes or directions of plant migration than vascular plants, because they survive in sheltered microhabitats after the macroenvironments have been altered or destroyed.

The Chinese moss flora is also significant to the understanding of the floristic composition and geographical distribution of the bryophytes of North American, Europe, and temperate Asia, since many Chinese taxa have evolved disjunctive ranges either between eastern Asia and eastern North America or between eastern Asia and western Europe. The Moss Flora of China, English Version is a series of eight volumes dealing with all mosses known to be native to or naturalized in China.

The aim of the Moss Flora of China, English Version, is to publish the first modern floristic treatment of all mosses of China within five to ten years. The eight volumes deal with basic, authoritative, and up-to-date information on the names, relationships, characteristics, and geographical distributions of approximately 2,500 species of mosses that grow in China. Illustrations of the plants and distribution maps are provided.

The Moss Flora of China, English Version, is a product of the Bryophyte Flora of China project, supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Missouri Botanical Garden. The editorial committee includes five Chinese bryologists and five non-Chinese bryologists.

$548.00 if sold separately

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Publication Information
  • Publisher: MBG Press and Science Press, Beijing
    ISBN: 9780915279722
    Format: Hardcover
    Pages: 2195
    Illustrated: Yes