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Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica, Volumen II: Gimnospermas y Monocotiledoneas (Agavaceae–Musaceae)
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica, Volumen II: Gimnospermas y Monocotiledoneas (Agavaceae–Musaceae)

Our Price: $56.00
ISBN: 9781930723221


Description Author(s)/Illustrator(s)
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica is a concise, illustrated guide to all of the species of native, naturalized, and commercially cultivated vascular plants of this Central American country, which lies between Nicaragua and Panama and is thus centered in isthmian Central America—a biogeographical funnel between South and North America, densely rich in species and geological history. The Manual is the first comprehensive Spanish-language account of the Costa Rican flora.

Nearly half of the species in this volume are distributed among three large, economically and ornamentally important families, the Araceae, (Philodendron) with 248 species, the Arecaceae (the palms) with 109 species, and the Bromeliaceae (pineapple, etc.) with 195 species. A total of 1,125 species of monocots in 35 families are presented. Gymnosperms, of low diversity in the tropics, with only five families and 13 species in Costa Rica that fit the Manual’s general criteria of native, naturalized, or commercially cultivated, are fully treated. Besides brief formal descriptions and informal notes about each of a total of 40 families, 190 genera, and 1,136 species of seed plants, this identification manual contains keys to all the gymnosperm and monocot families treated in the series, as well as to the genera and species included within this volume. A total of 218 original line drawings and 40 black-and-white photographs illustrate the treatments.
Publication Information
  • Publisher: Missouri Botanical Garden Press
    Publication Date: 2003
    ISBN: 9781930723221
    Format: Hardcover
    Pages: 694
    Illustrated: Yes