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NOVON 06(2), A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature
NOVON 06(2), A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature

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ISBN: 1055-3177


Description Author(s)/Illustrator(s)

Novon is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal and publishes short articles whose primary purpose is the establishment of nomenclature in vascular plants and bryophytes.


New Taxa of Fuchsia from Central America and Mexico. Paul E. Berry and Dennis E. Breedlove

Two New Combinations in Kengyilia (Poaceae). Cai Lian-bing

A Second Species of the Malagasy Genus Secamonopsis (Asclepiadaceae). Laure Civeyrel and Jens Klackenberg

Sciaphyllum amoenum (Acanthaceae) is a Peruvian Streblacanthus. Thomas F. Daniel

Two New Species of Neurolepis (Poaceae: Bambuseae) from Colombia. Gerrit Davidse and Lynn G. Clark

Phaseolus costaricensis, a New Wild Bean Species (Phaseolinae, Leguminosae) from Costa Rica and Panama, Central America. George F. Freytag and Daniel G. Debouck

Trillium channellii, Sp. Nov. (Trilliaceae), in Japan, and T. camschatcense Ker Gawler, Correct Name for the Asiatic Diploid Trillium. Ichiro Fukuda, John D. Freeman and Masakazu Itou

Two New Edaphic Endemic Species and Taxonomic Changes in Gladiolus (Iridaceae) of Southern Africa, and Notes on Iridaceae Restricted to Unusual Substrates. Peter Goldblatt and John C. Manning

Notes on Costa Rican Aquifoliaceae. William James Hahn

New Taxa from the Anyêmaqên Shan Region of Eastern Qinghai Province, China. Ting-nong Ho, Bruce Bartholomew and Michael Gilbert

One New Species and One New Subspecies of Cissus (Vitaceae) from Colombia. Julio Antonio Lombardi

Five New Species of Cissus (Vitaceae) from Northern Brazil. Julio Antonio Lombardi

A New Combination in Cleistocalyx (Myrtaceae). J. Parnell and P. Chantaranothai

A New Combination in Polystichum (Dryopteridaceae). J. P. Roux

New Taxa and a New Rank of Selaginella (Selaginellaceae) from Madagascar and the Comoros. Saša Stefanovic and France Rakotondrainibe

Taxonomic Notes on the Tribe Psychotrieae (Rubiaceae) in Panama, Western Colombia, and Ecuador. Charlotte M. Taylor

New Species and a New Combination in Rubiaceae from Central and South America. Charlotte M. Taylor

Some Nomenclatural Adjustments in the Commelinaceae, Hypoxidaceae, Lauraceae, Rubiaceae, Sapotaceae, and Zingiberaceae of the Malay Peninsula. I. M. Turner

Scaevola hobdyi (Goodeniaceae), an Enigmatic New Species from West Maui, Hawaiian Islands. Warren L. Wagner

Publication Information
  • Publisher: Missouri Botanical Garden Press
    Publication Date: 1996
    ISBN: 1055-3177
    Format: Softcover
    Pages: 94
    Illustrated: Yes