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NOVON 06(4), A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature
NOVON 06(4), A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature

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ISBN: 1055-3177


Description Author(s)/Illustrator(s)

Novonis a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal and publishes short articles whose primary purpose is the establishment of nomenclature in vascular plants and bryophytes.


A New Miconia (Melastomataceae) from Celaque National Park, Honduras. Frank Almeda

A New Variety of Ficus semicordata (Moraceae) from Nepal. S. M. Amatya

Dilleniaceae Novae Neotropicae: VI. A New Species of Tetracera from Panama. Gerardo Aymard C.

Novelties in Guianian Endlicheria (Lauraceae). Andre Chanderbali

Six New Species of Neurolepis (Poaceae: Bambsoideae: Bambuseae) from Ecuador and Peru. Lynn G. Clark

Passiflora trialata (Passifloraceae), a New Species of Granadilla (Passiflora subg. Passiflora) from French Guiana. Christian Feuillet and John M. MacDougal

New Eleocharis (Cyperaceae) from Venezuela. M. Socorro Gonzalez Elizondo and A. A. Reznicek

Pitcairnia calcicola (Bromeliaceae), a New Species from the Tropical Dry Forest of Costa Rica. Jason R. Grant and J. Francisco Morales

New Combinations in North American Alismatidae. Robert R. Haynes and C. Barre Hellquist

Additional Notes on the Scrophulariaceae of China. Hong De-yuan

Studies in the Capparidaceae XVIII. A New Giant-Fruited Capparis (C. Mucro) from Eastern Venezuela. Hugh H. Iltis, Luis J. Cumana C., Rosario E. Delgado M., and Gerardo C. Aymard

A New Species of Calathea (Marantaceae) from Veracruz, Mexico. Maite Lascurain

Coleogeton (Potamogetonaceae), a New Genus of Pondweeds. Donald H. Les and Robert R. Haynes

Una Nueva Especie de Tintinnabularia (Apocynaceae). J. Francisco Morales

A New Species of Mollinedia (Monimiaceae) from Costa Rica. J. Francisco Morales and Quirico Jimenez

New Infrageneric Taxa and Combinations in Chenopodium L. (Chenopodiaceae). Sergei L. Mosyakin and Steven E. Clemants

Compositae of the Guayana Highland-XI. Tuberculocarpus gen. nov. and Some Other Ecliptinae (Heliantheae). John F. Pruski

Carex roraimensis (Cyperaceae) Revisited. A. A. Reznicek

Carex porrecta (Cyperaceae), a Distinctive New Species from Northern South America and Costa Rica. A. A. Reznicek and Konraed Camelbeke

A New Species and Combinations in Malagasy Chrysophyllum L. (Sapotaceae). George E. Schatz and Laurent Gautier

Contributions to South American Caesalpiniaceae. I. Two New Species of Jacqueshuberia from the Venezuelan Guayana. Basil Stergios and Paul E. Berry

Contributions to South American Caesalpiniaceae. II. A Taxonomic Update of Campsiandra (Caesalpinieae). Basil Stergios

Ocotea ikonyokpe, a New Species of Lauraceae from Cameroon. Henk van der Werff

Studies in Malagasy Lauraceae II: New Taxa. Henk van der Werff

Notes on Costa Rican Lauraceae with the Description of Several New Species. Henk van der Werff

A New Species of Ocotea (Lauraceae) from the Serra do Espinhaco, Brazil. Sachiko Yasuda

Publication Information
  • Publisher: Missouri Botanical Garden Press
    Publication Date: 1996
    ISBN: 1055-3177
    Format: Softcover
    Pages: 168
    Illustrated: Yes